Safety Comes First with Commercial Fire Alarm Products

There is almost nothing more devastating to a business than a fire. Lectronics, Inc. has the experience to supply your property with the protection it needs. Ask about our comprehensive selection of commercial fire alarm products in Clinton, IA, and feel secure in the knowledge that someone always has your back.
Smoke Detector

Peace of Mind is Priceless

You need to ensure your property is safe from fire, burglars, and even a sudden drop in temperature. Whether you’re on vacation or simply want to secure your home or business, we have the answer. Contact us to discuss the best security alarm system for your home, and we’ll develop a plan that covers every contingency.

Fire Suppression Systems

Not all fire extinguishers are created equal. Depending on your business, home, or circumstances, the correct flame retardant can make all the difference. Chemical fires require a different approach than a grease fire in a kitchen, so talk to our experts to be sure you get the right type of equipment for your purposes. Our consultation will go over your extinguisher options, including CO2, Halotron, and more.
We also inspect and certify most brands of commercial kitchen fire suppression systems for our Illinois and Iowa customers.
Our fire suppression services include:
  • Fire extinguisher sales, maintenance, & inspections
  • Helping you meet insurance company requirements
  • Annual/monthly inspections, service, recharging, hydro tests, & six-year maintenance requirements
  • Hands-on classes for businesses & schools

Never take a chance on losing everything to a fire; call today to discuss commercial fire alarm products. We’ll help protect your investment.